Thanks Fordee,
I chmod’d /mnt/dietpi_userdata/mopidy to 777 and the sqlite scan works now.
Still having issues with the websettings tool (and I’ve chmoded /etc/mopidy to 77 7too) not the end of the world as I’m happy directly editing mopidy.conf but it’s just odd that a straight install wouldn’t have it.
This is all on my ‘troublesome’ pi mk1 (that led to all the ffmpeg headaches last year…)
Yeah, the ‘bad’ plugs library is huge, I suspect we only need a few of the actual plugs so I’ll have a play and see if I can suggest a sensible package list that will give maximum compatibility with minimum plugs (or perhaps it goes in dp-software under optional extras?)
Next up, a bit of a play with the new dietpi-justboom settings and see how they work alongside my dmix / eq configs